Barnes and Noble Book Store - Locations near LANCASTER, PA 17601
Other cities/names associated with zip code 17601: NEFFSVILLE, PA : EDEN, PA : FRUITVILLE, PA : OYSTER POINT, PA : ROSEVILLE, PA
Here are the closest stores(max 5) within 50 miles. Please call to confirm hours.
Distance | | Location | | Hours | | Phone |
0.5 miles | | Barnes & Noble Booksellers Lancaster Red Rose Commons 1700 H Fruitville Pike Lancaster, PA 17601 | | Sun 9-9, Mon-Thu 9-10, Fri & Sat 9-11 | | 717-290-8171 |
26.62 miles | | Barnes & Noble Booksellers Reading Broadcasting Square Shopping Center 2751 Paper Mill Road Wyomissing, PA 19610 | | Sun 10-9, Mon-Thurs 9-10, Fri & Sat 9-11 | | 610-236-0100 |
34.27 miles | | Barnes & Noble Booksellers Camp Hill Shopping Center 58 South 32nd Street Camp Hill, PA 17011 | | Sun 9-9, Mon-Thu 9-10, Fri & Sat 9-11 | | 717-737-0221 |
37.14 miles | | Barnes & Noble Booksellers Exton Main Street at Exton 301 Main Street Exton, PA 19341 | | Sun 10-9, Mon-Thu 9-10, Fri & Sat 9-11 | | 610-524-0103 |
37.92 miles | | Barnes & Noble Booksellers Bel Air Tollgate Marketplace 620 Marketplace Drive Bel Air, MD 21014 | | Sun 9-9, Mon-Sat 9-10 | | 410-638-7023 |
This page was last updated on 12/2/2009.
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